Can you please help me check this paragraph containing several grammar mistakes? Thank you.

1) Caliban is a sort of monster half man half beast. There is hostility between Prospero and Caliban.
2) Thanks to is magic art Prospero subdued all the spirit living on the island, together with Caliban, into his service.
3) Caliban claimed to own the island which belongs to him because sykorax left it to him.
4) Caliban plans to kill Prospero but Ariel listens to him taliking with Trinuculo and Stephano and reports their plan to Prospero.
5) When Prospero first go on the island, he petted him and took care of him.
6) Caliban wished he could use all the magic spell of Sykorax against him.
You should have used the past simple to refer to Prospero's and Miranda's behavious towards Caliban when they first arrived on the island.

2 answers

1) Caliban is a sort of monster -- half man and half beast. There is hostility between Prospero and Caliban.

2) Thanks to his magic art, Prospero subdues all the spirits living on the island, including Caliban, into his service.

3) Caliban claimed to own the island which belongs to him because sykorax left it to him. <~~This doesn't make sense to me. To whom does each "him" refer?

4) Caliban plans to kill Prospero, but Ariel listens to him talking with Trinuculo and Stephano and reports their plan to Prospero.

5) When Prospero first goes onto the island, he petted him and took care of him. <~~Again, this doesn't make sense to me. To whom does "he" and each "him" refer?

6) Caliban wishes he could use all the magic spells of Sykorax against him. <~~"him" = ??
You should have used the past simple to refer to Prospero's and Miranda's behaviour towards Caliban when they first arrived on the island.
1)Caliban is a sort of monster- half man, half beast. There is hostility betweem Prospero and Caliban.

2)Thanks to his magic art, Prospero subdues all the spirits living on the island, including Caliban, into his service.

3)Caliban claimed to own the island. It belonged to him because Sykorax left it to him.

4)Caliban plans to kill Prospero, but Ariel listens to him talking with Trinuculo and Stephano. He reports their plan to Prospero.