2. could or would
4. surer
5. he spends kind words? h has kind words
7. yes, the better one
8. like...the front? the forehead?
Can you please help me check these sentences? Some of them don't make sense at all.I tried to check some of them though.
1) Brutus has a strong sense of republican liberty
2) Brutus fears what Caesar could (would/may) become if he were crowned.
3) He is not sure about this: he is frightened by the gap between the idea and the real action.
4) Antony is more sure (?) than Brutus and more able (?) in the political affairs.
5) At the end he spends kind words for Brutus
6) Moralitis teach lessons of morality (better: Moralities were composed to teach moral lessons)
7) The Vice is like a clown (better: the vice represented the clown)
8) Hamlet describes his father as (and not like) an Olympian God. He had Hyperion's curls, the front of Jove, an eye like Mars, and a station like Herald Mercury.
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