Can you please help check these sentences I wrote about adjective and past participles. Thank you.
1)I'm as pleased as Punch.
2) Your project is excellent.I'm pleased/happy/satisfied/content (are they all synonyms, did I include all?).
3) This song is so boring.I'm bored with this song.
4) This soup is disgusting. I'm disgusted with (at?) this soup.
5) I'm entirely dependent on my boyfriend. I know he has got another girl but I don't want to split up with him (dump him/finish with hm) because this would break my heart. Do you think I should keep him?
6) I've been going out (dating possible) with him for a year and we have always got on well with each other. He is funny and maks me laugh.
7) He is often jealous and possessive of me when his friends are there.
I'm trying to make him consider her flaws but he seems not to see them.
1 answer
1 - OK
2 - OK, yes.
3 - OK
4 - OK (use "with" not "at")
5 - I'm entirely dependent on my boyfriend. I know he has got another girl, but I don't want to split up with him ["dump him" is OK, too] because this would break my heart. Do you think I should keep him?
6) I've been going out with him for a year, and we have always got on well with each other. He is funny and makes me laugh.
7) He is often jealous and possessive when his friends are there. I'm trying to make him aware of her flaws, but he seems not to see them.