Can you please check these sentences? Thank you very much.

1) Vietnam was divided into two parts after World War Two. North Vietnam was communist under the governement of Ho Chi Minh whereas South Vietnam was under control of the US.
2) The USA started to send soldiers to South Vietnam to help the South Vietnaese to fight the communists. It came to war, which lasted for 16 years. Protests were held all over the world to stop the war.

1 answer

#1 - add a comma after "Minh" -- however, the sentence is not accurate. The US was not in Vietnam right after World War Two.
Read the paragraph right before the section called Vietnam War.

#2 - You need to add "In the 1960's" at the beginning of this sentence. In addition, "advisers" were sent by the US at first, and soldiers were sent later. The fighting between north and south began earlier than this.