Can you please check these sentences please I need to prepare for tomorrow?
As he intended to open the window, he knocked his knuckles through the glass and tried to seize the bough.
2) He saw a face looking through the window. As he couldn't shake the creature off, he pulled its wrist onto the broken pane and rubbed it to and fro. (how can I simplify this?).
3) The blood ran down and soaked the bedclothes.
4) He said he would never let her in even if she begged for twenty years. But the voice told him that she had been away for 20 years.
5) The pile of books moved as if thrust forward (how can I rephrase this?)
6)He wasn't able to move a limb and started to yell though it was no use. He wiped the perspiration from his head (He sweated from his head???)
6) Someone pushed the door open and asked if there was anyone there.
7) He recognized Heathcliff's voice and thought it (was) better to confess his presence.
8) Heathcliff was furious with him and wanted to know who had allowed him to sleep in that room. He threatened he would turn all his servants out of his house.
9) He apologized for disturbing his sleep and attributed his yell to a terrible nightmare (??)
10) He told him that he had spent the first part of the night perusing (synonym?) some old books and spelling over the name on the window ledge.
11) He suddenly remembered the association of Heathcliff and Catherine's names in the book.
1 answer
5. as if pushed?...
10. looking at, thumbing th rough