Can you please check these sentences for me? Thank you very much.
1)Another important theme is that of equivocation.The witches confuse good and bad (better evil). They are unable to distinguish between good and evil.
2) Closely connected to the theme of equivocation is that of -the one of (are the both possible) false appearances.
3) The fundamental question is whether time is preordained or the result of human activity.
4) Shakespeare's Macbeth contains four main themes. The first theme is that of ambition. Macbeth starts as a brave character but ends as a murderous character as a result of his ambition.
5) Life is like an actor who worries about his time on the (is "the" necessary) stage and then bows out.
6) Life is like a lighthouse which is not shaken by the tempests (and not any tempest) of life.
7) You didn't revise your notes since you reported them word by word. (I know "revise" is not the right word, can you help me find a better word?)
8) The three witches are associated with evil. All four metaphors used by Macbeth underline the transience of life.
2 answers
alter, amend, blue-pencil, change, clean up, compare, cut, debug, develop, emend, go over, improve, launder, look over, modify, overhaul, perfect, polish, recalibrate, recast, reconsider, redo, redraft, redraw, reexamine, rehash, reorganize, restyle, revamp, review, rework, rewrite, run through, scan, scrub, scrutinize, study, tighten, update, upgrade
2) Closely connected to the theme of equivocation is that of false appearances.
3) OK
4) Shakespeare's Macbeth contains four main themes. The first theme is that of ambition. Macbeth starts as a brave character, but ends as a murderous character as a result of his ambition.
5) Life is like an actor who worries about his time on stage and then bows out. If you say "on the stage" you most likely mean the stage in one particular theater, but "on stage" means acting in general.
6) Life is like a lighthouse which is not shaken by the tempests of life.
7) You didn't revise your notes since you reported them word by word. (I know "revise" is not the right word, can you help me find a better word?) How about one of these: paraphrase, memorize, understand.
8) OK