Can you please check the following sentences, please? Thank you very much in advance.
1.She looks at/observes the furniture and notices that it drips with wet and looks shabby.
2.In the interior monologue the narrator lets the character’s thoughts flow without control as they are not interrupted by external events.
3.Furthermore, it is characterized by two levels of narration: one external to the character’s mind and the other internal.
4. It lacks chronological order and disregards the rules of punctuation. 5. It is free from introductory expressions and lacks formal logical order.
6.The house contributes to keeping him away from his library.
7.Another important theme is that of hypocrisy. The greatest hypocrite is 8.Jekyll as he cannot accept his evil side as a natural part of him and therefore seeks to separate himself (or him) from it.
9. When listing the features of the interior monologue you didn’t use any sentence connectors as required.
10.Instead of reporting all her flow of thoughts you should have focused on the kind of interior monologue employed.
11. He is (or has been) guilt-ridden since the death of his friend.
12. They reacted differently to the bursting of a car’s tire. Clarissa comes to the window to see what has happened (is happening or happens?
13. All of a sudden her flow of thoughts shifts to her books.
1 answer
Watch introductory statements to be sure that they are separated by a comma for clarity. You have a couple of those that need looking at.
#7 also needs some punctuation.