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Roller Coaster Activity
Sample Work – Unit 4
Access the Phet Energy Skate Park using the following link:
You may have to cut and paste into browser
Choose the Playground option.
Click the Grid so you can take measurements
Construct a roller coaster with three hills (including the one at the start). Hint: this works best if the largest hill is first.
Take a screen shot of your design or include a drawing of the rollercoaster.
To take a screen shot on a PC find the prt sc button then paste into a word doc.
On a Mac command shift 3 will place a screen shot on your desktop that can then be put into a word doc
Place Screenshot of your roller coaster here. Please note, I can not grade the rest of this, without your picture.
The mass of the skater is 50 kg
The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2.
Click on Speed
Part A: Determine how friction affects the skater’s maximum speed.
Put friction to lots
Put the skater at the top of the track and watch the speed as the skater goes through the track.
Put friction to none
Put the skater at the top of the track and watch the speed as the skater goes through the track.
2. How does friction affect the maximum speed of the skater?
Part B: Determine the Initial potential energy of the skater.
The mass of the skater is 50 kg
The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2.
Use the grid to determine the height of the top of the track
PE = mgh;
where m is mass, g is acceleration of gravity and h is height of track
3. Calculate the potential energy (PE) of the skater at the top of the hill. Show your calculations and record the units as J (joules).
Part C: Determine the initial kinetic energy (KE) of the skater.
The mass of the skater is 50 kg
Determine the speed of the skater at the top of the hill (Hint: the skater isn’t moving yet)
KE = ½ mv2
Where m is mass and v is speed of skater
4. What is the kinetic energy of the skater at the top of the hill? Show your calculations and record the units as J (joules).
Part D: Determine the total mechanical energy of the skater.
Total mechanical energy (ME)is: ME = PE + KE
Use your previous answers to determine total mechanical energy
5. Calculate the total mechanical energy of the skater. Show your calculations and record the units as J (joules).
Part E: Repeat Part B, C, and D for the first roller coaster valley. Record your work and results below. (Please use each tick mark as 1 m/s on the speed dial.)
6. Potential Energy:
7. Kinetic Energy: (To do this, put the skater on slow speed, stick him at the top of your roller coaster and hit play, try to stop him (hit pause) when he is at the very bottom in the lowest spot. You'll then be able to collect the data you need from that location.)
8. Mechanical Energy:
Click on the bar graph.
Release the skater from the top of the
Watch the changes that occur between the different types of energy as the skater goes through the track.
9. What is the relationship between the potential and kinetic energy of the skater as she travels down the track?
10. Describe what happens to the total energy of the skater as he travels through the track.
1 answer