Can you help me with this. I really need help. Please correct me If any mistakes:
In the blanks, I have to copy the verb(familiar and polite commands) and attach the approppiate pronoun.
1. Lleve estos libros al otro cuatro:
= Llevelos estos libros al otro cuartro
2. Espere al Senor Gomez arriba en su oficina.
= Esperela al senor Gomez arriba en su oficina.
3. Ponga los refrescos sobre la mesa.
= Pongalos refrescos sobre la mesa
4. Compre el anillo para su novia.
= Comprela el anillo para su novia.
Please correct me.
3 answers
I don't understand the instructions. I want to help you though.
I'm working on commands(imperative mood) with one object pronoun.
In the blanks(which are my answers) I have to copy the verb(familiar and polite commands), and attach the appropriate pronoun.
Does that help explain what I'm working on?
In the blanks(which are my answers) I have to copy the verb(familiar and polite commands), and attach the appropriate pronoun.
Does that help explain what I'm working on?
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Remember that the verb will be WRONG, if it requires an accent mark and you don't have it. When you attach the pronoun, you DELETE the noun.
1. Lleve estos libros al otro cuarto (spelling) becomes Llévelos al otro cuarto (spellin g)
2. Espérelo (señor Gómez is male)arriba en su oficina.
3. Póngalos sobre la mesa.
4. Cómprelo (el anillo is masculine) para su novia.
Feel free to ask any questions you now have. The direct object "lo" replaces something masculine & singular. The direct object "la" replaces something feminine and singular.
1. Lleve estos libros al otro cuarto (spelling) becomes Llévelos al otro cuarto (spellin g)
2. Espérelo (señor Gómez is male)arriba en su oficina.
3. Póngalos sobre la mesa.
4. Cómprelo (el anillo is masculine) para su novia.
Feel free to ask any questions you now have. The direct object "lo" replaces something masculine & singular. The direct object "la" replaces something feminine and singular.