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"Should I just quit?” Is a question I keep asking myself as I try to learn a new trick. I always had a tendency to give up. I never seem to find the things that I’m good at. But after putting time and effort into the things I liked, I realized I could get better.
Click-clack, click-clack. It’s the noise of me riding home, disappointed that I didn't learn the trick I’ve been working on for months. With a dour expression, I rode down the same road wondering if things would change. I didn't feel like anything was getting better. It seemed like the board would get high enough for me to flip it. I thought I would eventually quit and move on to a new trick as I usually did. This time it was different. I was dedicated to doing my trick. I turned on my camera in case I had any chance of actually doing the trick. I went outside and started getting ready. Kkrrrrr, went my skateboard as it rode against the floor. BOOM! Another fail.
After many failed attempts, I checked my video. I only got half a flip in. I needed to adjust my feet. I went back to my board to see if I could do the trick. Another fail, but this time it seemed like I was getting closer to flipping my board all the way through. I flipped my board and landed… primo. Luckily, I didn't land on the board. It quit for the day, thinking I might land that way again. The next day I felt more confident on my flip. It seemed like I was improving with this trick. I could finally flip the board, but I was too scared to land it. I had my phone ready because I thought I could do it. Five, ten, fifteen minutes pass, and still no luck. I thought I was doing something wrong, so I went on the grass. I flipped the board and boom. I landed it. I had to check the video to see if I did it. Yes! I finally did it. All I had to do was do it on concrete. After a few falls, I did it too. I felt inspired to do more tricks.
I learned that quitting isn’t always the answer. I realized that with enough time and effort I could do anything I wished I could do.