Can you help me check these sentences, too? Thank you very much.
1) Though many people don’t care what they wear, most people don’t like wearing old-fashioned (unfashionable) clothes.
2) In other words, they follow the latest fashion and are easily influenced by what advertised in the media.
3) In the 18th century the French King Luis XIV had dolls send to Europe in order to inform other countries about Paris fashion. In this way (?) dressmakers could copy the clothes and footwear on the dolls.
4) Nowadays mass media influence the way we wear. Clothes tend to become popular after being worn by famous TV and film celebrities (?). Ray Ban, for example, sold thousands of pairs of glasses after Will Smith wore them in the film Men in Black.
5) Furthermore, a particular clothes style shows what group you belong to or what kind of music you like.
6) As a matter of fact, young people often choose their clothes in order to be part (belong to possible?) of a group. They believe that wearing certain clothes enables them to be accepted by their group members.
7)If a young person is a Goth, for example, they wear black clothes, black boots and black nail varnish.
8) In conclusion, though fashion involves buying, selling and producing new clothing, advertising can have an influence on all its phases (???).
1 answer
4. the way we wear clothes. OR the way we dress. (hint - I wore RayBans LONG before Will Smith!)
5. clothing styles = will be far more common
6. belong to a group = yes, possible
7. After example, use a semi-colon or it will be a run-on sentence.