Can you fix any grammar I may have done wrong. Help Mme! Merci beaucoup.


1. In the beginning of the film, the Magesty Cordelia talked to Joliterax about how Caesar almost annihilated the British army.
*** Au début du film, la Magistère Cordélie a parlé à Joliterax de la façon dont César a presque annihilé l'armée britannique.

2. One village with its' inhabitants have held Mr. Caesar's men out because of a magic potion.
*** Un village avec ses habitants ont fait sortir les hommes de César à cause d'une potion magique.

3.4.5. Joliterax tells the Magesty that the potion is in Gauls. Obelix and Asterix's leader, Abraracourcix entrusted them with his nephew Goudurix to make him a man. In the meantime, Jolitorax arrives from Britain to seek the Gaul's help against the Roman invader.
*** 3.4.5. Joliterax dit à la Magesté que la potion est en Gaulois. Obélix et le chef d'Astérix, Abraracourcix leur confia son neveu Goudurix pour le faire homme. Pendant ce temps, Jolitorax arrive de Grande-Bretagne pour demander l'aide de la Gaule contre l'envahisseur romain.

6. Jolitorax thinks they'd be able to beat the Romans with the magic potion, so Panoramix prepares the magic motion.
***Jolitorax pense qu'ils seraient capables de battre les Romains avec la potion magique, donc Panoramix prépare le mouvement magique.

7. Jolitorax, Asterix, and Obelix go to Britain and they take Goudurix along.
***Jolitorax, Astérix et Obélix se rendent en Grande-Bretagne et emmènent Goudurix.

8. Meanwhile, Megacursus suggests using secret funds to hire mercenaries to do the work, specifically the Normans, who are fearsome people of the North.
*** Pendant ce temps, Megacursus suggère d'utiliser des fonds secrets pour embaucher des mercenaires pour faire le travail, en particulier les Normands, qui sont des gens redoutables du Nord.

9. Asterix, Obelix, Jolitorax, and Goudurix talk about their plans on the boat and Jolitorax criticizes the Gauls while Pindepis suddenly appears on the boat with his plant because he feels less lonely without it.
*** Astérix, Obélix, Jolitorax et Goudurix parlent de leurs plans sur le bateau et Jolitorax critique les Gaulois tandis que Pindepis apparaît soudain sur le bateau avec sa plante parce qu'il se sent moins seul sans elle.

10. All of them go to Britain and later the Magesty gets a note from Jolitorax about the barrel of magic potion reaching British soil.
***Tous vont en Grande-Bretagne et plus tard le Magesty reçoit une note de Jolitorax sur le baril de potion magique atteignant le sol britannique.

11. The 4 of them got caught by the Romans at the restaurant and escaped to Londinium with the magic potion.
***Les 4 d'entre eux ont été pris par les Romains au restaurant et échappé à Londinium avec la potion magique.

12. They hide the magic potion among other barrels and go to Ophelia and Miss Macintosh.
***Ils cachent la potion magique entre autres barils et vont à Ophelia et Miss Macintosh.

13. The Romans try to find the magic potion and one Roman did find it.
***Les Romains essaient de trouver la potion magique et un Romain l'a trouvée.

14. The Normons caught Ophelia and Goudurix together asking where Caesar and the Romans are and now the Romans caught Asterix.
*** Les Normons ont pris Ophelia et Goudurix ensemble demandant où César et les Romains sont et maintenant les Romains ont attrapé Astérix.

15. Asterix, Obelix, Miss Mcintosh, and Ophelia caught Tetedepiaf who is a Norman. Astérix, Obélix, Mlle Mc- tosp et Ophelia prennent Tetedepiaf qui est normand.
16. Their plan was for him to escape so he can lead Asterix and Obelix to Goudurix. Leur plan était pour lui de s'échapper afin qu'il puisse conduire Astérix et Obélix à Goudurix.
17. The Majesty wants to know where the barrels are and expects information from Jolitorax. La Majesté veut savoir où sont les barils et attend des informations de Jolitorax.

18. The Romans eventually find the barrel with the magic potion at the Olympic games and chased after the four guys and they ended up losing it. *** Les Romains finissent par trouver le baril avec la potion magique aux Jeux olympiques et chassé après les quatre gars et ils ont fini par le perdre.

19. Because they don't have any potion, they used the luatre gars et ils ont fini par le perdreeftover of Pindepis's plant to make "potion" which is actually tea.
***Parce qu'ils n'ont pas de potion, ils ont utilisé les restes de la plante de Pindepis pour faire "potion" qui est en fait le thé.

20. The Britains were lead to believe that what they drank is the magic potion when really it isn't.
***Les Britains ont été amenés à croire que ce qu'ils buvaient est la potion magique quand ce n'est pas le cas.

21. They face the Romans and Obelix wipes most of the Romans out. *** Ils font face aux Romains et Obélix essuie la plupart des Romains.

22. Together, the Britains and Obelix pushes the Romans off the cliff and are happy. *** Ensemble, les Britanniques et Obélix poussent les Romains de la falaise et sont heureux.

23. Caesar gives up and goes home while the Britains celebrate.
***César abandonne et rentre chez lui pendant que les Britanniques célèbrent.

24. Asterix and Obelix make such great partners during their plan to get the Romans. *** Astérix et Obélix font de si grands partenaires pendant leur projet d'obtenir les Romains.

25. It was very entertaining when they made sure the Romans didn't get the magic potion. ***
C'était très divertissant quand ils s'assuraient que les Romains n'obtenaient pas la potion magique.

26. In addition, hearing Jolitorax, Ophelia, and Miss Mcintosh speak in the most obvious British type of way contributed to the sillyness and uniqueness of the film. ***
En outre, l'audition Jolitorax, Ophelia, et Mlle Mcintosh parlent dans le type le plus évident britannique de manière a contribué à l'idiot et à l'unicité du film.

27. On a seperate note, the Normans are very interesting because they kept testing their capabilities of what they can and can't do which was also silly.
*** Sur une note distincte, les Normands sont très intéressants parce qu'ils ont continué à tester leurs capacités de ce qu'ils peuvent et ne peuvent pas faire qui était aussi stupide.

5 answers

I have until sunday evening. Thankyou. It is quite a lot. I apologize but your work has been very helpful the past couple of times!
I'll send this to SraJMcGin. This is a lot for her to check. Can you choose the 5 or so questions that you're most unsure about?
I think for the most part I have most right. I need help with all. Possibly by sunday night then to make it easy.
This is FAR more than SraJMcGin will take on.

Please isolate the few (no more than 5) items you would like to be checked.
1. Judging from the English you gave, I'll correct what you have.

lui a parlé comment...

2. one village has (singular)
a fait...

3. lui a dit...Gaule (the country as a noun, not an adjective)...leur confia = you shoudn't shift from the beginning where you used the Present into the Past...

4 - 9 look OK

10. Earlier you used a word for "Magesty" so why is this different? #3, 4, 5 = la Magesté... et ont échappé (each past participle should have the auxiliary also)

11, 12, 13 = look OK

14. en demandant (you need to do this where you used the other gerund, # 10

#15 The English uses the past tense but the French does not = shouldn't they match? normand as adjective but Normand as noun (capitalization)

#16 looks OK

#17. et attend = this would be better with the subject pronoun as well = il

18. Since Jeux is capitalized, the adjective (as part of the title) should be also...again there is the past participle without the subject pronoun and auxiliary = ils ont chassé...

19. there is a typo, recopying part of the preceding in this one as well so I'll try to delete that to check the rest = looks ok

20. "mener quelqu'un à croire = to lead someone to believe / here the meaning is not the same from language to language

21. "to wipe vs. to wipe out = anéantir = wipe out or annihilate / this is why I prefer to NOT translate verbatim from language to language

22. et ils sont heureux (adding the subject pronoun is bet)

23. "se rendre" = to give up

24. "to get" in what sense? = pick up??? Perhaps a synonym would work better?

25. loo
26. "hearing" = en attendant ...parler...the rest of the sentence is far too cumbersome so shorten it = comme les Britanniques... a contribué à la naïvité et l'individualaité...

Sorry I don't have time to proofread and I lost lost between the English and French at times.

Sra (aka Mme)
