can someone read and give their thoughts on my paer
The apartheid was much like the Jim Crow laws found here in the United States, but it was much worst. In South Africa blacks had to deal with a lot of hardships that no one should have to put up with. The government ran this country with an iron fist and anyone that stood up to them, would surely feel it. The apartheid comes from the Afrikaans word meaning apartness. The apartheid was based on segregation of the people not of European descent. This included but was not limited to black Africans, colored (people of mixed descent) and Asians.
Apartheid was first used in a political sense in 1948 by Daniel Francois Malan, the prime minister of South Africa from 1948 to 1954, but had been around for decades (Apartheid, 2006). It is a political system in which different races are kept apart by law. Unlike the Jim Crow laws in the States where people of different races or ethnic groups could still enter act with each other, but the apartheid system was to keep each group entirely separate from each other. This required that every ethnic be given separate territories and separate governments. There by allowing each group to develop autonomously (apartheid, 2006). The governments argue that separation was necessary because race mixing was unnatural and may cause social degradation. They also said that the purity of the white race needed to be preserved. They also stated that these laws were to protect the blacks, coloreds and the Asians.
The apartheid was the hardest on these two ethnic groups, the blacks and the coloreds. The government felt that these to groups were from different cultures and need to stay apart. The government also made people in these groups and other nonwhite groups carry around I.D cards that told were they live, worked, and the time they worked from. They said this was to protect them, but this was to keep track of them. With the apartheid in place nonwhite Africans were deprive of the most basic rights, they had restrictions on their movements and activities within the country .The apartheid also made separate educational programs. These programs in South Africa were supposed to be based on the principles of the trusteeship and not the ethnic of the people (Winchester 2007).They even relocated blacks and other ethnic groups to “special reserves” to keep them away from whites. If they refuse to leave they had to put up with many hardships. These reserves were call Bantustan after a somewhat pejorative nickname Bantu, that was used to describe Africans in South African and else where in the country (apartheid, 2006).
The government ran these area in away to ensure wide unemployment among the nonwhite groups, so that the whites could have cheap labor. The system was run with violence and terror tactics, such as detention and torture of those suspected of opposition to apartheid. They also had the right to use lethal force against peaceful demonstrators.
Blacks in South Africans are the majority, with 77 percent of the population. There are other ethnic groups in South Africa as well and almost all of the blacks in South African can be divided into other ethnic groups such as the Sotho and the Nguni. The whites that have came to South Africa make up only 19 percent of the population, which is not a whole lot. The whites are culturally linked to the Dutch, French, English, and Germans who settle at the cape in the seventeen century. The coloreds in South Africa make up only about 9 percent of the population and have roots linking them to the earliest settlers and indigenous people. The Asians that are found in South Africa only make about 3 percent of the population.
With there being so many other ethnic groups in South Africa how did the white South Africans gain so much control over the land? Well, it starts in 1948 when the Herenigde Nasionale party manages to win the majority constituencies and took power. This caused a landslide effect on the rights of the people. The Herengde are the ones who passed the apartheid laws. They grow even stronger in 1951 when they officially merged with the Afrikaner party to from the national party.
these are the question the paper needs to answer
The cultures, races, and ethnicities of the student's chosen country are described.
The student differentiates between race and ethnicity.
The student provides examples of discrimination in his or her chosen country and explains why the discrimination exists.
The student cites ways the discrimination has affected the people of his or her chosen country and describes conditions that resulted from the discrimination.
any help would be great im not done writing the paper yet
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