Can someone please tell me what to expect from Beginner High School chemistry? Is it mostly applying mathematics like physics? Or basically memorizing like biology?

Thank you!

7 answers

I'm a chemist and I would tell you that you're in for an exciting course; however, not every one feels that way about chemistry. Instead you must wait and see for yourself. There is some that you can memorize and if you can memorize things easily you can make it through the course ok (maybe not an A though). However if you memorize instead of understanding it I think you will be in for a dull time. It will be just work. There are some concepts that you can not memorize and you MUST understand it or it will be a long long year. Yes, you can memorize your way through biology. In comparison with physics I think it compares well. If you liked physics you probably will like chemistry. If you didn't like physics you probably will not like chemistry.
Thank you! Many students told me it was a dull and difficult course! (Probably because they tried to memorize concepts instead of understanding it like you said.) Now when I look at your answer, I think I can survive chemistry! :D
:-). Difficult for some, yes. Dull? Never.
Chemistry and physics are both fun subjects. Do you need to understand math? Yes. Does it compare to physics? Yes. However, the math is more tedious than it is in chemistry, and at times, requires more steps, and requires a different type of conceptualization to apply the math than it does in chemistry. Both subjects require time, but chemistry, in my opinion, requires understanding compared to memorization. Biology is a regurgitation course, where the teacher expects you to memorize a bunch of stuff and regurgitate it back on an exam. Dr. Bob222 and I agree: If you like physics than you will like chemistry, but if you prefer to memorize rather than understand, then you will like not like chemistry. I like biology, chemistry, physics, and biochemistry. And if I could go back in time, would have probably been a biophysicist or got a degree in bioanalytics, because it combines all of the subjects that I like. I'm a chemist as well, but unlike Dr. Bob222, my focus was in biochemistry in grad school and in biology as an undergrad.

Best and good luck and remember that chemistry is fun if you like understanding concepts instead of memorization.
Kudos to Devron. Very well done. Better than my answer.
I like that you told the student that chemistry is never dull--classic.
Thank you Devron :)