Can someone please proofread my essay and help me fix and grammar errors I might have.

Peyton Farqhar sacrificed his life he had courage, and a purpose. He had plans he was trying to achieve. Taking that into consideration then yes, he might be considered as a hero to some. He had the best intentions in mind by trying to burn down the bridge but it turned out to be under false pretenses. Farghar acts weren’t illegal, but were it the right decision to make. He was tricked into believing he was doing something to better the south. Under certain circumstances I would believe one has the right to defend their home from an apparent threat. Farqhar may have felt that’s what he was doing. It’s true that Farqhar emotions got the best of him and caused him to take desperate measures. He was so devoted to the Southern cause that he was willing to take any opportunity that was given to him. He had the heart of a soldier. Farqhar felt that all was fair in love and war and he knew the chance he was taking. It was never stated that Peyton Farqhar was caught in an illegal act. Farqhar wasn’t acting criminally but yet ethically in his mind and it ended up costing him his life.