can someone please explain to me in dummy language this question... Why is the graph of transmittance versus concentration not linear?...
Thankyou very much
3 answers
I suppose the easiest way to look at that absorbance = A = abc and that is a linear graph. But A = log (1/T) so the graph of T versus concn can't be linear because it is a log term.
In dummy language, it is not linear because it is logarithmic by definition.
which is linear with concentration.
but absorbance=10*log P/Po=
=10log 1/Transmittance
because transmittance=P/Po
which leads to T=e-k*concentration
Thus, it is not linear.
which is linear with concentration.
but absorbance=10*log P/Po=
=10log 1/Transmittance
because transmittance=P/Po
which leads to T=e-k*concentration
Thus, it is not linear.
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