Can someone please correct me: Command form(imperative mood)- with two object pronouns. I have to change the noun and the words in parenthesis to object pronouns and attach them properly to the verb:

1. Diga--------(a ellas) la verdad
= Digaselas

2. Abra-------(para ella) este paquete
= Abrasela

3. Diga-------(a nosotras) lo que ocurrió ayer.
= Digansola

4. Cuente------(a mí) su chiste favorito.
= cuentemelo

5. venda------(a él) el carro en seguida.
= Vendaselo

6. Enseña-----(a nosotros) tu vestido nuevo.
= Ensenanolso

7. Cante------(para nosotros) su nueva cansion.
= Cantenolsa

8. Mande------(a mí) la cuenta de ellos.
= Mandeselos

9. Construya------(para ellos) una casa original.
= Construyaselos

10. Diga-----(a los soldados) las ordenes del día.
=(I am lost on this one)

11. Lee-------(a mí tía) el telegrama que recibiste.
=(I also have no clue on this one)

3 answers

There we go with accent marks again! You MUST put them where they belong or the word will be mispronounced.

1. Dígasela (a ellas would be les, which changes to se when followed by la, which represents "la verdad."

2. You are still having difficulty with the direct object. La verdad is replaced by la but este paquete is replaced by lo. ´Abraselo

3. Díganoslo. (lo que = lo)

4. Cuéntemelo

5. Véndaselo

6. Enséñanoslo

7. Cántenosla (perhaps it's only a typo in that "ls" is sl)

8. Mándesela (la cuenta = la)

9. Constrúyasela (la/una casa = la)

10. Dígaselas (why did that one cause trouble?)

11. Lee (comes from the verb leer = to read) becomes Léeselo

Since you are having so much difficulty with the direct-object pronouns, would you like a separate "lesson" on that? Just let me know.

Sure. I would really appreciate it.
P.S. Please look above at latest posts!
