Can someone please check my work?
What are these people doing? Use elements from each bracket to write three complete sentencs.
(nosotras)--(aprender)---(el almuerzo)
(usted)-----(compartir)--(una carta)
(yo)--------(escribir)---(el español)
1. Nosotras aprendemos el español/.
2. Usted comparte tu el almuerzo/.
3. Yo escibo una carta/.
Write sentences to descibe what these people are doing/.
1. Julia/beber un refresco
Julia bebe un refesco/.
2. María y yo/escribir en el pizarrón
María y yo escribimos en el pizarrón/.
3. tú/aprender el español
Tú aprendes el español/.
4. yo/hacer mucha tarea
Yo hago mucha tarea/.
You and your friends always buy lunch at the cafeteria. Write three complete sentneces about what food and drink is i the cafeteria and what you and your friends eat and drink. Do you share anything?
Hay sándwiches, leche, hamburguesas, jugo, refrescos y papas fritas/. Mis amigos comen sándwiches de jamón y queso y beber jugo/. Yo como una hamburguesa y beber refresco/. Mis amigos y yo, nosotros compartimos las papas fritas/.
Are they correct/. If not, what can I change?
Muchas Gracias!
PS. Don't mind the forward slashes. It said I was not allowed to post internet addresses. But I have none!!
1 answer
1-4 are all fine.
In the paragraph: y beber jugo/.= you must also conjugate the 2nd verb. Mis amigos comen...y beben. Also in the next one: Yo como.....y bebo un refresco. (It's better with "un" in front of the noun, refresco.