can someone please check my answers.
1.)which of the following lines best demonstrates the tone of ''the nymph's reply to the shepherd'' by sir walter raleigh?
a. "the flowers do fade,and wanton fields/to wayward winter reckoning yields;"
b." then these delights my mind might move/to live with thee and be thy love."
c."these pretty pleasures might me move/to live with thee and be thy love."
d. "if all the world and love were young,/and truth in every shepherd's tongue.''
i chose a am i correct?
2.)"the glorious lamp of heaven,the sun,the higher he's a-getting,the sooner will his race be run,and nearer he's to setting" is an example of?
a.hyperbole,exaggerating the brightness of the sun.
b.allusion to the greek god of the sun helios.
c.metaphor,comparing the sun to a mountain.
d.personification of the sky.
i chose d am i correct?
3.)which of the following do petrarchan and shakespearean sonnets have in common?
a.rhyme scheme.
c.question and answer format.
d.both are organized as an octet and sestet.
i chose c am i correct?
4.)what is the purpose of the couplet in the english or shakespearean sonnet? offer an idea contrary to the ideas expressed earlier in the poem. introduce a new idea. summarize the poet's message and offer a final commentary. provide a final metaphor for the audience's consideration.
i chose d am i correct?
5.)which of the following elements of comedy are not used by shakespeare in the merchant of venice?
a.clown-like character.
d.clever language.
i chose c am i correct?
6.)which of the following is not a theme of the merchant of venice?
a.things are not always as they seem.'s inhumanity to man.
c.friendship and loyalty.
d.rites of passage or coming of age.
i chose d am i correct?
7.)in which act of a shakespearean play is the climax most likely to occur?
a.act 1.
b.act 3.
c.act 4.
d.act 5.
i chose b am i correct?
7 answers
2. yes
3. yes
4. probably ... or a.
5. yes
6. I don't know
7. no
And I think there may be a better answer for #4, unless I'm misinterpreting something.
[English] sonnets were all essentially inspired by the Petrarchan tradition, and generally treat of the poet's love for some woman, with the exception of Shakespeare's sequence of 154 sonnets. The form is often named after Shakespeare, not because he was the first to write in this form but because he became its most famous practitioner. The form consists of fourteen lines structured as three quatrains and a couplet. The third quatrain generally introduces an unexpected sharp thematic or imagistic "turn", the volta. In Shakespeare's sonnets, however, the volta usually comes in the couplet, and usually summarizes the theme of the poem or introduces a fresh new look at the theme.
Let me know what you think.