Can someone please check my answer? Thank you for any help you can give!
1) During the colonial period, the economic development of the South was most directly dependent on the labor of:
a. Factory workers
b. Enslaved Africans
c. Wheat farmers
d. Irish immigrants
My Answer~ b
2) What was the American colonists' primary objection to the taxes imposed by the Stamp Act?
a. It was the first time the British tried to control the colonies
b. It set the rate so high that it harmed the colonial economy
c. It had not been approved by colonial representatives
d. It interfered with merchants' right to free trade.
My Answer~C
3) To pay for this war England began taxing the colonies:
a. The Revolutionary War
b. The War of Roses
c. The Nine Years War
d. The French and Indian War
My Answer~D
4) Forcing troops to stay in civilians homes was known as the:
a. Boston Port Act
b. The Quartering Act
c. The Stamp Act
d. The Intolerable Acts
My Answer~B
5) The primary goal of the people who instigated the American Revolution was:
a. To establish a new economic elite in North America.
b. To establish the world’s first democratic government.
c. To achieve the rights they felt the British had been denying them.
d. To make legally binding the concepts of equality and liberty for all in the colonies.
My Answer~C
6) Both John Locke and Thomas Jefferson wrote about the natural rights of man. In what document are these "unalienable rights" specifically mentioned?
a. The Bill of Rights
b. The Mayflower Compact
c. The Preamble to the Constitution
d. The Declaration of Independence
My Answer~ D
7) When the Articles of the Confederation were written they showed Americans early distrust of:
a. The British
b. States having too much power
c. Strong national government
d. The President
My Answer~A
8) In the US Constitution power is divided up between:
a. Three branches of government
b. Five branches of government
c. Two houses
d. The President and the Supreme Court
My Answer~ A or D I’m not quite sure
9) The first ten amendments to the US Constitution are called:
a. The Great Compromises
b. The Articles of the Confederation
c. The Wilmot Proviso
d. The Bill of Rights
My Answer~D
10) The establishment of judicial review in Marbury v. Madison (1803) gave federal courts the authority to:
a. Decide whether a law is constitutional
b. Create lower courts
c. Approve foreign treaties
d. Appoint judges to lifetime terms
My Answer~ A
11) The Louisiana Purchase of 1803:
a. Was a major cause of the Spanish-American War
b. Pushed the Spanish below the Rio Grande in North America
c. Resulted in increased conflict between the U.S. and France
d. Almost doubled the area of the U.S. and gave it control of the Mississippi River
My Answer~D
12) During the 1800s, what was frequently cited as a justification for U.S. expansionist policies in clashes with other nations?
a. Bill of Rights
b. Social Contract
c. Manifest Destiny
d. Gospel of Wealth
My Answer~C
13) President Abraham Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction after the Civil War included:
a. Restoring the social conditions that existed before the war began
b. Conducting trials for former Confederate leaders
c. Destroying the economic and social power of the Southern planters
d. Reuniting the nation as quickly as possible
My Answer~D
14) Starting in the 1870s, Jim Crow laws were enacted in Southern states as a means to:
a. Provide an education for formerly enslaved persons
b. Protect the voting rights of formerly enslaved persons
c. Enforce racial segregation
d. Ensure equal protection under the law
My Answer~A or B I’m not sure
15) In Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), the Supreme Court ruled that:
a. States may not secede from the Union
b. Racial segregation was constitutional
c. Slaves are property and may not be taken from their owners
d. All western territories should be open to slavery
My Answer~C
16) After the Civil War, one way business leaders tried to eliminate competition was by:
a. Increasing the prices of their products
b. Forming monopolies or trusts
c. Developing overseas markets
d. Paying high wages to their workers
My Answer~B
17) Between 1865 and 1900, the U.S. government helped develop the West by:
a. Financing canal networks
b. Making unsettled territories safe
c. Granting land to railroad companies
d. Banning railroad routes through farmland in the Western plains
My Answer~C
18) Many wealthy American industrialists of the late 19th century used the theory of Social Darwinism to:
a. Support the labor union movement
b. Justify monopolistic actions
c. Promote legislation establishing a minimum wage
d. Encourage charitable organizations to help the poor
19) "Yellow Journalism" during the late 19th century was marked by:
a. Sensational headlines
b. Exaggeration
c. Not relying on acts
d. All of the above
My Answer~D
20) Which country did America support during the Spanish American war?
a. The Philippines
b. Cuba
c. Hawaii
d. Puerto Rico
My Answer~B
21) The Roosevelt Corollary says:
a. That Europe could no longer expand and colonize North America
b. That America would support Latin American countries economically
c. That America could intervene in Latin American countries to prevent further European involvement
d. America would send troops to help in the Boxer Rebellion
My Answer~C
22) The Roosevelt Corollary expanded what previous document?
a. The Teller Amendment
b. The Monroe Doctrine
c. The Open Door Policy
d. Washington’s Farewell Address
My Answer~B
23) What was the stick in Roosevelt’s “Speak softly carry a big stick” policy?
a. The Navy
b. The Army
c. The Marines
d. The Calvary
My Answer~A
24) A main purpose of President Theodore Roosevelt’s trustbusting policies was to:
a. Reduce corruption in government
b. Save the nation’s banks
c. Encourage competition in business
d. End strikes by labor unions
My Answer~C
25) Which long-awaited goal of the women’s rights movement was achieved during the Progressive Era?
a. Right to vote
b. Right to own property
c. Equal pay for equal work
d. Equal access to employment and education
My Answer~A
3 answers
8 - A is correct
14 - neither of your choices is correct
15 - no
18 - you made no choice
All others are correct