Sure. I thought I gave you a start yesterday.
What do you want to say about winning?
can someone help me write a sonnet on the topic winning
7 answers
i don't no where to start
what does 10 syllables mean
You start by deciding what you want to say about winning.
A syllable is a unit of sound that makes up a word.
A syl lab le is a u nit of sound that makes up a word.
A syllable is a unit of sound that makes up a word.
A syl lab le is a u nit of sound that makes up a word.
I'm a terrible poet, but you may want to use this as a start.
Sometimes I wonder why I want to win.
Perhaps it is the thrill of beating them.
Maybe a first prize medal or a shiny pin.
I know I'd love to win a precious gem.
Sometimes I wonder why I want to win.
Perhaps it is the thrill of beating them.
Maybe a first prize medal or a shiny pin.
I know I'd love to win a precious gem.
Thank You every much Ms.Sue the example really gave me a idea where to start
You're very welcome, Sarah. Have fun with your sonnet.