can someone help me add on or correct what i have.

I have to pick from these four categories that a juvenile could fall under if an action is being made. I am putting the letters that i think fall under each action. There could be multiple for the categories and actions.

categories are:
a)Status offense
b)non-violent delinquency
c)violent offense
d)serious offense

and the actions are:
1)running away from home : A
2)shoplifting : A & C
3)credit card fraud: A,C, and D
4): C and D
5)drug dealing: D
6)breaking city curfew: A
7)homicide: C

I don't see how 2) and 3) can be status offenses; they are both illegal, regardless of age. Also -- shoplifting and credit card fraud can't be considered violent offenses. Please check these answers and consider which ones could also be categorized as non-violent delinquency. Please see the sites below for definitions.