its quite easy, y is there ever any confrontation throughout history?
its always about land....territory
prty much all wars are over land
Can someone explain to me why the Americans pushed the Indians out of their native lands? I think it was because of so many new settlers but i don't think that was the only reason.
2 answers
There is always "wealth" and "power".
The conflicts between the new Americans and the French and the English and the Spanish over who would have the "power" in the new land led to Indian conflicts.
The discovery of silver and gold in the west led to Indians being driven off their lands.
Here is a brief overview.
You can get further information by Googling "Indian Removal"
The conflicts between the new Americans and the French and the English and the Spanish over who would have the "power" in the new land led to Indian conflicts.
The discovery of silver and gold in the west led to Indians being driven off their lands.
Here is a brief overview.
You can get further information by Googling "Indian Removal"