Make an outline of three different mistakes you've learned from Writepoint. Perhaps they've been some of these: punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure, proofreading.
Then give examples from your own writing illustrating how you've corrected these mistakes.
Also -- be sure you spell Writepoint correctly.
Can somebody please help me write 150 words on feedback from writpoint I"ve got this so far I think the feedback from writpoint was very helpful to me because it explains to me what i did wrong and how to fix my mistakes. It also tells where to put correct punctuation.
4 answers
I think the feedback from writepoint was very helpful to me because it explains to me what i did wrong and how to fix your mistakes. It also tell you where to put correct punctuation. One mistake that i have learned is to write out the number under 1o. Don't use to much wordiness. I didn't know not to use contractions it is inappropriate. Don't use alot of words that are a colloquialism. That is the only thing i have learned.
Now, give examples from your own writing.
The WritePointSM report begins with the following statement: “Welcome to WritePointSM, the automated review system that recognizes errors most commonly made by university students in academic essays.”