Can some one read my lab report for me...

I have it almost finished.. I just need help on the discussion part


17 answers

Please post your lab report and one of the teachers will gladly review it for you.
This report discusses an experiment to study the percent mass of iron determined by the concentration of a colored iron solution from the absorbance of the spectrometer. This lab is designed to tell the content of iron in cereal, usually food products list iron and many other contents as a percentage, in this case the box of Kix cereal said it has 43% of iron in it. With this lab the solution started off with a colorless iron solution and making it into a colored iron complex solution, by adding phenanthroline (C12H8N2) to the colorless solution. This color solution will help tell the concentration of iron in a box of Kix cereal. 2Fe3+ + 2NH2OH + 2OH- ----> 2Fe2+ + N2 + 4H2O

Methods and Materials:
The 100 mL volumetric flask with the colorless iron solution was fitted with a rubber stopper. First, transfer the colorless iron solution into a 250 mL volumetric flask, since the substance in the 100 mL volumetric flask was too much. The 250 mL volumetric flask was filled with 10 mL of sodium acetate by a graduated cylinder, 1 mL of hydroxylamine hydrochloride by a micro liter pipette and 10 mL phenanthroline by a graduated cylinder. Then the volumetric flask was not to the mark so, the next step was to dilute the solution and fill it with distilled water and shake it up to mix the iron phenanthroline solution up.
Taking the iron phenanthroline solution in the volumetric flask it was then ready to be inserted into an Ocean Optics USB2000+ Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer. First the cuvet had to be filled with distilled water and was placed into the spectrometer and set closest to zero, the spectrometer was set for about .077, and then the volumetric flask with the solution of iron-phenanthroline was tested in the cuvet at 510.3 nm for the wavelength of maximum absorbance.

The combination of the solutions: sodium acetate, hydroxylamine hydrochloride and phenanthroline solutions mixed together with the colorless iron solution made the iron phenanthroline solution turn into an orange tint.

Table 1: Calibration plot showing relationship between light absorbance and the concentration of the lead phenanthroline.
Absorbance Concentration mg/mL
0.2037 0.001
0.3986 0.002
0.5954 0.003
0.8047 0.004
0.9701 0.005

This experiment was conducted to identify the iron content in a breakfast cereal. The results indicate that there was iron in the chosen breakfast cereal of Kix, the spectrometer shows that the absorbance or color was around .39 so about 39% as seen in Figure A the highest point of color was around .39. This percent is close to the amount produced on the side of the cereal box stating 43%. This difference may be due to the spectrometer being off and not being placed exactly on zero.
In Figure B the line of y=0.0052x-6E-05, R^2 .9989 the .9989 is really close to 1, the closer to one the better, to go over one seems to make the lab a failure. Less than one must mean that the lab went well and was done correctly.
I'm working on this.
did you get all of it there is more than the introduction
Methods and Materials:
The 100 mL volumetric flask with the colorless iron solution was fitted with a rubber stopper. First, transfer the colorless iron solution into a 250 mL volumetric flask, since the substance in the 100 mL volumetric flask was too much. The 250 mL volumetric flask was filled with 10 mL of sodium acetate by a graduated cylinder, 1 mL of hydroxylamine hydrochloride by a micro liter pipette and 10 mL phenanthroline by a graduated cylinder. Then the volumetric flask was not to the mark so, the next step was to dilute the solution and fill it with distilled water and shake it up to mix the iron phenanthroline solution up.
Taking the iron phenanthroline solution in the volumetric flask it was then ready to be inserted into an Ocean Optics USB2000+ Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer. First the cuvet had to be filled with distilled water and was placed into the spectrometer and set closest to zero, the spectrometer was set for about .077, and then the volumetric flask with the solution of iron-phenanthroline was tested in the cuvet at 510.3 nm for the wavelength of maximum absorbance.

The combination of the solutions: sodium acetate, hydroxylamine hydrochloride and phenanthroline solutions mixed together with the colorless iron solution made the iron phenanthroline solution turn into an orange tint.
This report discusses an experiment to study the percent mass of iron determined by the concentration of a colored iron solution from the absorbance of the spectrometer.I prefer calling the instrument a spectrophotometer unless you have been told to use the generic term. Also, I would use a spectrophotometer instead of the spectrophotometer unless you have the model number in which case I would write the model xxx spectrophotometer. This lab is designed to tell Actually, the lab isn't telling you anything. I think determine is a better word to use than tell. the content of iron in cereal, semicolon here usually oftenfood products list iron and many of the other contents ingredients as a percentage,period here and start a new sentence. in this case delete in this case and start a new sentence with Thethe box of Kix cereal said Again, the box can't talk. I would use listed instead of said it has the iron content as 43%. delete the remainder of the sentence.of iron in it. Do you need some kind of detail about how the cereal was placed into solution or perhaps you were simply given a sample that had already been treated. With this lab the solution started off with a colorless iron solution and making it into a colored iron complex solution, by adding phenanthroline (C12H8N2) to the colorless solution. This color solution will help tell the concentration of iron in a box of Kix cereal.
I would replace this last part, beginning with WITH THIS LAB with something similar to the following:
Phenanthroline (C12H8N2) was added to the colorless prepared solution and a phenanthroline-iron(II) complex was formed. The absorbance of the resulting colored solution was measured on the spectrophotometer and the percent iron was read from a graph that had been prepared previously from standard solutions of iron.

I am a chemist and not an English prof; therefore, some of the English gurus may have some better suggestions for the syntax etc. I have edited mostly for the accuracy of the chemistry and instrumental content. You may want to change some of my suggestions and put them into your own words. If you actually started with cereal and digested it with acid and went through the procedure, I would put some of those details in the report. As I write this last part, it has occurred to me that this may be the introductory part only and you still have other sections to write. If that is so, then those details may well go into other parts of the report. I hope this helps.
No, the introduction is the only part that posted.
Methods and Materials:
The 100 mL volumetric flask with the colorless iron solution was fitted with a rubber stopper. First, transfer the colorless iron solution into a 250 mL volumetric flask, since the substance in the 100 mL volumetric flask was too much. The 250 mL volumetric flask was filled with 10 mL of sodium acetate by a graduated cylinder, 1 mL of hydroxylamine hydrochloride by a micro liter pipette and 10 mL phenanthroline by a graduated cylinder. Then the volumetric flask was not to the mark so, the next step was to dilute the solution and fill it with distilled water and shake it up to mix the iron phenanthroline solution up.
Taking the iron phenanthroline solution in the volumetric flask it was then ready to be inserted into an Ocean Optics USB2000+ Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer. First the cuvet had to be filled with distilled water and was placed into the spectrometer and set closest to zero, the spectrometer was set for about .077, and then the volumetric flask with the solution of iron-phenanthroline was tested in the cuvet at 510.3 nm for the wavelength of maximum absorbance.
The combination of the solutions: sodium acetate, hydroxylamine hydrochloride and phenanthroline solutions mixed together with the colorless iron solution made the iron phenanthroline solution turn into an orange tint.
This experiment was conducted to identify the iron content in a breakfast cereal. The results indicate that there was iron in the chosen breakfast cereal of Kix, the spectrometer shows that the absorbance or color was around .39 so about 39% as seen in Figure A the highest point of color was around .39. This percent is close to the amount produced on the side of the cereal box stating 43%. This difference may be due to the spectrometer being off and not being placed exactly on zero.
In Figure B the line of y=0.0052x-6E-05, R^2 .9989 the .9989 is really close to 1, the closer to one the better, to go over one seems to make the lab a failure. Less than one must mean that the lab went well and was done correctly.

This experiment was conducted to identify the iron content in a breakfast cereal. The results indicate that there was iron in the chosen breakfast cereal of Kix, the spectrometer shows that the absorbance or color was around .39 so about 39% as seen in Figure A the highest point of color was around .39. This percent is close to the amount produced on the side of the cereal box stating 43%. This difference may be due to the spectrometer being off and not being placed exactly on zero.
In Figure B the line of y=0.0052x-6E-05, R^2 .9989 the .9989 is really close to 1, the closer to one the better, to go over one seems to make the lab a failure. Less than one must mean that the lab went well and was done correctly.

This experiment was conducted to identify the iron content in a breakfast cereal. The results indicate that there was iron in the chosen breakfast cereal of Kix, the spectrometer shows that the absorbance or color was around .39 so about 39% as seen in Figure A the highest point of color was around .39. This percent is close to the amount produced on the side of the cereal box stating 43%. This difference may be due to the spectrometer being off and not being placed exactly on zero.
In Figure B the line of y=0.0052x-6E-05, R^2 .9989 the .9989 is really close to 1, the closer to one the better, to go over one seems to make the lab a failure. Less than one must mean that the lab went well and was done correctly.

This experiment was conducted to identifydetermine the iron content in a breakfast cereal.semicolon The results indicate 39% iron in a sample of Kix cereal. This value is slightly lower than the 43% listed on the cereal box. that there was iron in the chosen breakfast cereal of Kix, the spectrometer shows that the absorbance or color was around .39 so about 39% as seen in Figure A the highest point of color was around .39. This percent is close to the amount produced listed on the side of the cereal box stating 43%. This Delete to hereThe difference may be due attributed to the spectrometer not being off and not being placed set exactly on zero.

In Figure B the line of y=0.0052x-6E-05, R^2 .9989 the .9989 is really close to 1, the closer to one the better, to go over one seems to make the lab a failure. Less than one must mean that the lab went well and was done correctly.

You need to explain to me what the line of y = .... is and what is R^2?
it is a linear regression of a graph I have that deals with the absorbance by the concentration I couldn't paste it on here for you to see....
In Figure B the line of y=0.0052x-6E-05, R^2 .9989 the .9989 is really close to 1, the closer to one the better, to go over one seems to make the lab a failure. Less than one must mean that the lab went well and was done correctly.
In figure B, the coefficient of regression is 0.9989 which correlates well with the plot of A vs concentration.
A couple of suggestions.
In the discussion which I revised about the difference between your value and the 43%--
The diffference may be attricuted to the spectrometer not being set exactly to zero as well as to some of the chemistry and handling involved in preparing the solution.

I would keep the "In Figure B...." part I added today.

I don't know that you need anymore. The discussion and conclusion of experiments usually cover the results, any errors, and what might have caused the errors. You could add something that the error was 9.3% (;i.e., [43-39/43]*100 = 9.3). Other than that you have covered the essentials.