Can some one proof read my short essay for gramatical errors, or just the anything in general.
heres the question i am answering:
Popular media from magazines to movies to television offer images, stories, and information that influence our prejudices and how we think about topics and situations. What is a topic or situation in the media that made you realize a prejudice of your own? What did you learn? What actions would/could you take to help others understand better?
Heres my essay:
The 90’s and especially these current years are years that media has changed many things, if not most things. A big subject that the media often talks about is celebrities and Hollywood. This era is one of the biggest yet revolving around the stars of Hollywood. I and many people have been raised in this culture that shows photoshoped pictures of impossibly fit women, pools of stories about celebrity relationships, and stories that seem way to off base.
I can say for myself that when I was younger I used to watch TV, the news, and read magazines about these teenage girls and boys and what I thought was everything that was happening in their lives. To me these girls were perfect; they looked great, were very popular in the media’s eye and always had people around them. I would even go as far to say that I thought they were selfish people that never had anything that I would call a tragedy happen to them. This idea of mind was the result of years of listening to just certain media sources.
I used to be prejudice about celebrities, but recently I have heard numerous stories of tragedies that have happened with stars like, Miley Cyrus. This has helped me realize that, teenage celebrities have to deal with regular teenage troubles of their own. I am no longer prejudice against teen celebrities or jump to conclusions about them but have learned that they don’t always get what they want either. There are many teens that don’t like a certain celebrity because of this reason. I would challenge those people to look closer than what some media sources tell you. To find what troubles that star is really going through. Who knows, maybe some teenagers will then be able to relate themselves to a certain celebrity like having to go through your parents getting a divorce and be able to handle their life a little better, maybe even get a little stronger inside because they know someone who is going through the same things.
Along with celebrities these same things can happen with the people around you. Some kids in schools are prejudice against other races, religions, and genders. But, if you take the time to get to know the people that you don’t now that well. If you just take a couple minutes out of your day to introduce yourself to someone you’ve seen your whole life or a classmate you’ve gone through high school with but never once said a word to. If, you just talk to them for a little bit maybe you will learn something that you never knew. Who knows, you might even end up making a friendship that will last the rest of your life and all because you took that first step.
Thanks(p.s Im pretty sure i understood the question correctly but if you think i didn't quite answer it please tell me!)
1 answer
To me, sentence 3 reads better without the word "yet"...
Oh, oh, one of my "bugaboos" is "I and someone else" as it's much more polite to put yourself last.
way too ofbase (difference between to, too)
as far as to say... (hope you can follow this!)
prejudiced (adjectve rather than noun)= catch that twice (oops, also in the last paragraph)
"To find what troubles that star is really going through." = an incomplete sentence
The last sentence of paragraph 3 is a bit cumbersome. You could fix that with some punctuation.
"that you don’t now that well. " = difference between "now" and "know"
Please look at the "If you" sentences - incomplete
You understood the question. Remember that those publicity photos are "airbrushed" and that no one (and I could include nothing) is perfect! (or as a friend of mine says "purrfect."