Can some one explain this to me?????

"The American farmer, (says this gentleman) has more simplicity and honesty-we more art and chicanery; they have more of nature, and we more of the world. Nature, indeed, formed our features and intellects very much alike; but while we have metamorphosed the one, and contaminated the other, they have retained and preserved the natural symbols of both."

7 answers

Farmers tell it like it is! Whoever "we" may be sounds like politicians who tell what they want us to hear and not as it really is!

Sra is there any way you could go in to more detail?

Background:This is Charles William Janson in his writing "Stranger in America" Comparing society and politics of the new nation(America) with those of Great Britain.
Why don't you go into some detail, and let us critique it for you? You will develope far more analytical skills doing that.
I think it means that the american people like doing things in a very simple manner and don't like to make such a big deal over anything to avoid confusion or problems. They rather be straight forward with one another than lying and tricking people in order to get what they want or get something done. He is saying that British are more worried about their wordly possession and not focused on what they have been given and the beauty of it all.....And the last part i have no clue about that one.....was any of this right or even close????????????????
ummm sounds fine to me...idk though
Im interpretation of that last sentence:

The British have changed their natural appearance with wigs and fancy clothes whereas the American sticks to natural looks and simple clothes. They have contaminated their minds with trash while the Americans have preserved clarity of thought.
My interpretation of that last sentence:

The British have changed their natural appearance with wigs and fancy clothes whereas the American sticks to natural looks and simple clothes. They have contaminated their minds with trash while the Americans have preserved clarity of thought.