Can i have some writing ideas? I have to write about facing a challenge. I'm supposed to write about a challenge in life. Are there any good site about this? Also, are there any useful sites that describe how to add style and humor to writing? Thank you!

2 answers

Here are a number of sites on writing style:

Irony is an excellent technique in adding humor to writing.

Regarding a writing topic.... the very best topic is a challenge that you have experienced. There is nothing like experience as a teacher is solving challenges. I am sure that you have had to face challenges that at first looked monumental, but after a thought or a suggestions were "duck soup". Others mountains may have taken more than one try before being climbed.
Elements of style:

Possible ideas:
Scroll down to the bottom of page 1 and there should be things in those lists that will give you a specific idea to write about.