Can anyone help me? I have to watch this video on Youtube called America Revealed The Food Machine which is about 53 minutes. And at about 17:03 minutes to 17:17 minutes there is something they are saying that answers one of my questions that I have for my worksheet but I can't quiite catch what they are saying.
The question says : The two major changes that have happened to allow that increase are new ______ and water deliver through _______
I hear him say irrigation and something fertilizer
Can anyone help me
6 answers
It seems logical that the first blank is fertilizer and the second blank is irrigation.
The first blank could also be hybrid seeds (which produce greater yields). ????
The next question from the video says On average Americans eat _____ caloroies more each day than our ancestors did.
Around 29:19 to 29:56 they talk about this. Would I put 2,000 calories?
Around 29:19 to 29:56 they talk about this. Would I put 2,000 calories?
or do I put 600
33:08 to to 34:14 they say stuff that can help me answer two questions
An agricultural pilot flies about 8 8feet off thee ground at 150 miles per hour in order to apply ____ to the crops
Even though the corn has been genetically modified to be resistant to the born borer, the bugs are developing _______ and must still be sprayed sometimes.
An agricultural pilot flies about 8 8feet off thee ground at 150 miles per hour in order to apply ____ to the crops
Even though the corn has been genetically modified to be resistant to the born borer, the bugs are developing _______ and must still be sprayed sometimes.
How bout you suck it up and do your homework