Can anyone give me suggestions on the following information that will help me please..

Choose a disruptive or off-task behavior that is routinely displayed in a classroom.
• Prepare a 10-minute role-playing script based on the off-task or disruptive behavior
routinely displayed in a classroom. The script involves the following characters:
o An effective classroom teacher
o The misbehaving or off-task student
o Another student who is not misbehaving or off-task
o The parent of the misbehaving or off-task student
• Answer the following questions about your script:
o How does the teacher in this role-play demonstrate your personal philosophy of
classroom management?
o What classroom expectations or procedures might prevent off-task or disruptive
o What negative consequences are appropriate for this type of classroom behavior?

7 answers

In a high school English class for juniors, the teacher is giving instructions for the in-class writing assignment that's due before the bell rings.

Almost all students are paying attention and getting their writing materials together: paper, pen, book, or whatever.

One student is reading a newspaper.

Another student is staring into space.

What will you do about the two off-task students? If the newspaper student defies you and argues about giving you the newspaper, refusing to do the assignment, what will you do?

If the day-dreamer starts in on the assignment after you walked to his desk and stood right next to him while you finished giving instructions, but later you notice he's day-dreaming again, what will you do?
ok good one... what about the following....How does the teacher in this role-play demonstrate your personal philosophy of
classroom management?
o What classroom expectations or procedures might prevent off-task or disruptive
o What negative consequences are appropriate for this type of classroom behavior?
What is your personal philosophy of classroom management?

Using Writeacher's scenario, the teacher could wait until she has the attention of all students before she begins the her explanation. However, that's easier said than done. The negative consequence for this scenario is that the two off-task students don't understand the assignment and turn in an inadequate paper for a poor grade.
What classroom expectations or procedures might prevent off-task or disruptive behaviors?
I gave you one procedure. What other expectations or procedures can you think of?
oh ok........ How does the teacher in this role-play demonstrate your personal philosophy of classroom management? ummm.

At a elementary level the teacher does this too. I think it is a good start to a day... IS that ok or how else should i put it?
What scene do you plan to role play?

What is YOUR personal philosophy of classroom management? Rewards? Punishments? Carefully training your pupils to follow directions?

But, "a good start to a day" does not express your classroom management philosophy.