Can a descriptive essay rhyme?

3 answers

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help forum. Then, it would seem, you will have a poem, not an essay.
Read this please and tell me if this is a no.

It’s three fifteen at the end of the day, I’m in the locker room changing so that I won’t be late. I get on the court and begin to stretch and then heard coach say enough with that. On the baseline she says with a shout, me and my teammates begin to pout. Twenty-five suicides and you better do them right for if not today will be a long night. I ran and ran until I reached the end and then coach yelled that five letter word. “again”. I sprint to the endof the court my legs cutting through the oppresive air desperately trying to reach the endline. “Again” I take off this time not so fast wondering why I bother to give up three fifteen to five each night to be commanded. “Fifteen foul shots” I walk slowly to the line happy for the first time to catch my breath. “Back on the line” again I sprint to the end of the court mouth wide open, sweat dripping from my face thinking how am I going to make it through the rest of this day?
This is narrative, not descriptive.

It is prose, not poetry.