bye yall have a great day and TX2 IS BETTER THAN WHAT U LISTEN TO AND MCR guranteed! definitely. and again have an amazing day and i will list things to do if ur bored and also tips for school and hygiene and routines that can be helpful for almost all girls but some stuff for boys... sry boys im a girl deal with it i think the girls need it more.
hygiene: never skip a skin care routine if your under 16 dont wear makeup it will make you look even worse if you are worried about anything on your face use a face scrub i recomend salacylic acid scrub u can get it on amazon for like 6 - 12 dollars. and then i you have any scuert bottle lotions dont use them they hold absoloutly no moisture coming from a person who has kerotosis pilaris which i have to keep my skin so moisturized try cerave the one in a tub is the best maybe try hydrating face masks before bed as well lip scrub and lip balm as well, if ur gonna put perfume on put ur lip balm or lip gloss on before it the perfume will smell longer.
routine: eat a balanced breakfast such as a fruit bowl or yogurt bowl are good with some orange juice. when getting up put your alarm clock across the room so you have to get up. from sleeping on ur side if ur eyes are puffy froven spoons help with that leave them on for like 5 minutes or something try to get some streatching or exercise in for the day. get up at 6 go to bed at 6 it really helps dont stay up u wont be tired in the morning for school and remember you are beautiful just the way you are!
bored: biking,fanart,video games,help out with some work, call a friend,go for a walk,tryh on haul of ur clothes with music,music,amazon shopping for when u have mponey again have it all planned out.
9 answers
Location A:
Close to inputs
Location B:
Between inputs and market Location C:
Close to market
Cost of transporting inputs $100 $500 $200
Cost of transporting to market $1,000 $600 $900
Which location would be the best place to build the factory?
Location A
Location B
Location C
Locations A and B are better choices than C.
Locations A, B, and C are equally good choices.
Hygiene: Don't skip your skincare routine, and if you're under 16, avoid using makeup. However, if you're concerned about your appearance, try using salicylic acid scrub for your face. Avoid squirt bottle lotions and opt for Cerave in a tub for ultimate moisture. Use hydrating face masks before bed, and don't forget to exfoliate your lips and apply lip balm before using perfume.
Routine: Eat a balanced breakfast consisting of a fruit bowl or yogurt bowl with some orange juice. Put your alarm clock across the room to force you to get up. Frozen spoons are a handy solution for puffiness from sleeping, and incorporate some stretching or exercise into your day. Aim to sleep by 10 p.m. the night before, and wake up at 6 a.m. to feel refreshed and energized for school. Remember to always believe that you are beautiful!
Boredom: There are plenty of fun activities to do if you're feeling bored, such as going for a bike ride, creating fan art, playing video games, helping out with some work, calling a friend, taking a walk, trying on clothes, listening to music and even Amazon shopping.