both "the road not taken" and "o captain! my captain! are analogies. write a paragraph comparing the authors use of analogy. what is analogy? how does frost use analogy in his poem? how does whitman use analogy in his poem? why has each of these analogy poems become so famous?
7 answers
Analogy is comparing two things to give the reader a clear understanding. Knowing this, read the two poems and find what is being compared in each... The Road Not Taken compares the fork in the road to life choices and how her makes those choices and what he chooses. O Captain! My Captain! compares the ship to America and the Captain to Abraham Lincoln. It talks about how he was close to the captain and after the storm (war) everyone is cheering for Abe but he is dead because in real life he was assassinated
thanks "anonymous"
how would you ever figure out the onw for captain o captain??
thank you ;)
But why did these analogies become so famous?
can i please use ur awnser