Bonjour Sra!
I was unable to reply to your answer over the past few days. I finally had the chance to check this out today. I had initially used your suggestions but when my teacher read it she told me since my actions were habits, I should use the infinitive while using the imperfect tense at the same time. I am so confused, is there such a thing?
Original sentences:
1. J'adore le pasta. Je le mangeions chaque semaine ( I like pasta. I eat it every week)
2. J'aime lire le livre. Je le lisais chaque jour ( I like to read. I read everyday)
3. Je déteste les lizards. Je le détestais parce que ils sont degoutánts. ( I hate snakes. I hate them because they are disgusting)
Your suggestions:
1. Je le mange chaque semaine.
2. J'aime lire. Je lis chaque jour.
3. Je déteste les lézards. Je les déteste parce qu'ils sont
Merci Sra :D
5 answers
For example, look again at #1. I adore pasta = this is the Present Tense. the verb "mangeions" is the NOUS form and not the JE form. Now, if you want to say "I used to eat it every week. I liked pasta and I ate it every week = that would be: Je le mangeais chaque semaine. J'aimais le pasta et je le mangeais chaque semaine. Is that clear to you? Now to use BOTH the infinitive AND the Imperfect, the only thing I can think of is: Je m'habituais à le manger chaque semaine.
2. The English would be "I like/liked to read. I read/used to read every day.
3. lizards are not the same as snakes. Decide first of all which you hate! In any event they are plural. Je déteste les lézards (You misspelled the word.) Je LES détestais parce qu'ils sont dégoûtants (notice 2 accent marks). However if you mean "snakes" = Je déteste les serpents. Je les détestais parce qu'ils sont dégoûtants.
I'll flag this and come back later to see if you still have questions. Please try to answer in one day or two because then I delete it.
Sra (aka Mme)
The example my teacher had given me was: Je le mangeions chaque semaine. She told me that I had to take "manger" and add "eions" for the JE form.
2. So the lisais would be irrelevant in this case? It would be: "J'aime lire. Je lis chaque jour."
I'm all clear on the third sentence :)
Sra (aka Mme)