1. Can you tell me if I wrote this in passé compose correctly? I'd also appreciate an explain as to when you should use avoir / étre!
a) Je suis bois de l'eau
b) It est mange un pizza.
c) J'ai visité ma mere.
2. Have I written this in futur proche correctly?
a) Tu vas parler tes professeurs.
b) Elles vont prendre les devoirs.
3. I don't understand passé recent. How do I conjugate the "venir de?"
Merci en avance!
4 answers
I'll send this to our French expert, SraJMcGin.
Let's begin with the 3 you did. Many past participles require accent marks, which must be there and others are irregular.
a) j 'ai bu de l'eau. (uses avoir & is irregular past participle.)
Irregular past participles: (you just have to memorize them!)
asseoir (assis) / avoir (eu)/ boire (bu)/ conduire (conduit)/ connaître (connu)/ courir (couru)/ craindre (craint)/ croire (cru)/ devoir (dû, due, dus, dues (when used as adjective)/ dire (dit)/ écrire (écrit)/ être (été)/ faire (fait)/ falloir (fallu)/ lire (lu)/ mettre (mis)/ ouvrir (ouvert)/ plaire (plu)/ pleuvoir (plu)/ pouvoir (pu)/ prendre )pris)/ recevoir (reçu)/ rire (ri)/ savoir (su)/ suivre (suivi)/ taire (tu)/ tenir (tenu)/ valoir (valu)/ vivre (vécu)/ voir (vu)/ vouloir (voulu)
b) Il a mangé un pizza. (uses avoir & regular -er past participle with accent mark)
c) J'ai visité ma mère. (the verb is correct, but mère requires accent grave.
2. a) One speaks TO or WITH: Tu vas parler à (or avec) tes professeurs.
2. b) good!
3. passé recent means "it JUST happened" = Je viens d'expliquer... I have just explained.... Ils viennent d'arriver = they just arrived... (It is the regular conjugation of venir in the Present Indicative Tense (from French I) plus de or d' plus infinitive.
As for the passé composé: MORE verbs use avoir (if you have to guess) and there are at least 3 ways to learn the verbs that require être.
1. "the house of être" = you might find it online (I'll look later) or you can draw a house going UP, staying there, going DOWN. They are verbs of motion: going up, going down, going in, going out, etc.
2. The mneumonic to help remember them = Dr&Mrs Vandertramp (16) The first letter is the "cue" = descendre / revenir / mourir / retourner / sortir / venir / aller / naître / devenir / entrer / rentrer / tomber / rester / arriver / monter / partir
3. OR combine them with "opposites" when you can:
aller & venir / arriver & partir / entrer ( sortir / monter & descendre / revenir retourner, rentrer / tomber, rester, devenir / naître & mourir
****The only other verb is "passer" when it means "to go by for someone = to pick them up)
Like adjectives, past participles conjugated with être agree in gender (masc., fem) and number (sing/pl) with the subject.
I'll flag this and come back later because there is a LOT to "digest" here!
Sra (aka Mme)
a) j 'ai bu de l'eau. (uses avoir & is irregular past participle.)
Irregular past participles: (you just have to memorize them!)
asseoir (assis) / avoir (eu)/ boire (bu)/ conduire (conduit)/ connaître (connu)/ courir (couru)/ craindre (craint)/ croire (cru)/ devoir (dû, due, dus, dues (when used as adjective)/ dire (dit)/ écrire (écrit)/ être (été)/ faire (fait)/ falloir (fallu)/ lire (lu)/ mettre (mis)/ ouvrir (ouvert)/ plaire (plu)/ pleuvoir (plu)/ pouvoir (pu)/ prendre )pris)/ recevoir (reçu)/ rire (ri)/ savoir (su)/ suivre (suivi)/ taire (tu)/ tenir (tenu)/ valoir (valu)/ vivre (vécu)/ voir (vu)/ vouloir (voulu)
b) Il a mangé un pizza. (uses avoir & regular -er past participle with accent mark)
c) J'ai visité ma mère. (the verb is correct, but mère requires accent grave.
2. a) One speaks TO or WITH: Tu vas parler à (or avec) tes professeurs.
2. b) good!
3. passé recent means "it JUST happened" = Je viens d'expliquer... I have just explained.... Ils viennent d'arriver = they just arrived... (It is the regular conjugation of venir in the Present Indicative Tense (from French I) plus de or d' plus infinitive.
As for the passé composé: MORE verbs use avoir (if you have to guess) and there are at least 3 ways to learn the verbs that require être.
1. "the house of être" = you might find it online (I'll look later) or you can draw a house going UP, staying there, going DOWN. They are verbs of motion: going up, going down, going in, going out, etc.
2. The mneumonic to help remember them = Dr&Mrs Vandertramp (16) The first letter is the "cue" = descendre / revenir / mourir / retourner / sortir / venir / aller / naître / devenir / entrer / rentrer / tomber / rester / arriver / monter / partir
3. OR combine them with "opposites" when you can:
aller & venir / arriver & partir / entrer ( sortir / monter & descendre / revenir retourner, rentrer / tomber, rester, devenir / naître & mourir
****The only other verb is "passer" when it means "to go by for someone = to pick them up)
Like adjectives, past participles conjugated with être agree in gender (masc., fem) and number (sing/pl) with the subject.
I'll flag this and come back later because there is a LOT to "digest" here!
Sra (aka Mme)
I hope this will copy here:
It will not copy here. Look for it online where there are many images. I have my favorite one that looks like a house!
Sra (aka Mme)
It will not copy here. Look for it online where there are many images. I have my favorite one that looks like a house!
Sra (aka Mme)
:O Thanks Sra! You explain French much better than my teacher! The House of être was so useful! :D