Beowulf is often considered an ideal hero and king due to his extraordinary strength, bravery, and deep sense of loyalty. He displays these qualities throughout the epic poem, whether it be in his battles against Grendel, Grendel's mother, or the dragon. In addition, Beowulf shows his dedication to his people and his willingness to risk his life for their well-being. However, there are some aspects lacking in his character. One may argue that Beowulf's excessive pride and ego overshadow his other virtues. He often boasts about his accomplishments and seeks glory for his feats. This is evident when he proclaims, "Then let who can grab plunder in this bloody havoc, a dragon-guarded hoard! Now I've bartered with death, so the evil kinsmen wouldn't carry our mead-flagon back to the mighty mere-deeps, the strangers at the board" (lines 2807-2811). While Beowulf's bravery and strength are commendable, his egoistic tendencies may detract from his overall character as an ideal hero and king.
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Beowulf is praised as an exemplary hero and king for his exceptional strength, bravery, and loyalty. He demonstrates these qualities in his battles against Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon. Beowulf's commitment to his people and willingness to risk his life for their well-being further highlight his admirable character. However, his excessive pride and ego may overshadow these virtues. Beowulf frequently boasts about his achievements and seeks glory for his feats, which may diminish his reputation as an ideal hero and king.