How long is your explanation supposed to be? Just one paragraph?
I would question if you know what all this means. For example --
What does "larger than life" mean?
What are some "eternal serious human problems"?
What "national, religious, and cultural values" does Beowulf represent?
Etc., etc.
Question: Explain why Beowulf is an epic poem and why Beowulf is an epic hero
This is what i have: Beowulf is a national epic or a long narrative poem. It involves a hero, Beowulf, who is larger than life. The poem concerns eternal serious human problems. Beowulf represents national, religious, and cultural values. It also involves the ideals of loyalty, valor, unselfishness, and a sense of justice. Beowulf is good vs. evil. It is a blend of christion ethics and pagan morality. It is deeply idealitstic. The use of literary devices lik alliteration, caesura, and kennings add to it. These are just some reasons why it is an epic poem. It deals with things of today that people can relate to. Beowulf is an epic hero bcause he represents peoples values. He is fighting for his people's safety.
4 answers
its just worth ten points
thank you=)
thank you=)
OK -- you should be fine then.
What are the external human problems? Thank you!