Based on a reigious viewpoint why is using human embryonic stem cells from embryos wrong?
2 answers
It's like murder. Your killing something that is living.
The viewpoint is determined by when human life is assumed to begin. For those who assume it begins at conception, the use of embryos for stem cells is murder.
However, other people believe that human life does not begin until the fetus is viable (it has at least even chances of surviving outside the womb), usually before about 6 months prenatal. To those people, it would not be murder.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.
However, other people believe that human life does not begin until the fetus is viable (it has at least even chances of surviving outside the womb), usually before about 6 months prenatal. To those people, it would not be murder.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.