Are you sure about that formula? I think it may be (g solute/mL)*10^6.
I think you are looking at 3.4 ppm which you won't get if you use your formula.
I use ppm = mg/L.
Barium sulfate is listed as insoluble on solubility tables. It does, however, dissolve to a small extent. Its solubility at 50 'C is 0.00034g in 100. g of water. Express this solubility in parts per million
-I know the equation is
ppm= (grams of solute/L of solution) x 10^6
4 answers
put the aids in the anus
omigawd jamal that doesn tevennnn help at all. u shouldnt do tis no i cat even do mh hw.
first of all the formula is wrong the formula u used was for molarity. this is the correct formula ppm= grams of solute/ grams of solution x 10^6 bob that formula of yours is also wrong