Back and Forth Directions

• Each player starts at zero on an individual number line.
• Players should take turns rolling a standard number cube, labeled 1‒6.
• Each turn, the player must choose if the number rolled represents a positive
integer or a negative integer.
o If it is positive, the player moves that number of spaces to the right on
the number line.
o If it is negative, the player moves that number of spaces to the left.
• For each turn, the player should record the roll as a positive or negative
integer in the recording chart and then draw an arrow above or below the
number line to show that movement.
• Each player should roll and record five turns. The winner is the player who
ends closest to zero. If both players end at the same place, it's a tie.

Back and Forth Analysis Sheet

1. Is the game fair? Do both players have an equal chance of
winning? Explain.

2. What strategies work best to win the ga

3. How could you figure out who wins the game without using
number lines?

4. If the object of the game was to end farthest from zero, how would
that change the winning strategies?

5. What are two ways you would change the game to make it
more challenging and fun to play?

I really need answers quick on these questions!!! Pls Help now, Thank You!

13 answers

is this you coco???
Uhm no why would it be..? And why would you care? Just leave me alone.
you pretended to be me im pretty said "coco if you are seeing this, i am sorry," cuz i didn't write that, and you know how i know? i wasn't on here 2 HOURS AGO
Just leave me alone and do something better than talk. People like are are the reason why the world is today. Get a life
People like you*
uhhmmmmm no one's answered my question but we do have random tea between 2 ppl named Coco and heyo ❄.
Lol ikr? And sorry idk but hopefully you’ll get the answers!
Lol looks like she’s disliking every comment except hers lol
Read my name
This is the day Jesus rose from the dead. Pls repent to him and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior before it’s too late! 🙏😁
Also @heyo I’m sorry.
Lord* Savior*
Can we pls get some answers NOW?!