B. Everyone knows that water is supposed to boil at 100° C. Why did your water sample
boil at a different temperature?
C. While heating two different samples of water at sealevel, one boils at 102o C and one
boils at 99.2o C. Calculate the percent error for each from the theoretical 100.0o C.
D. An unknown rectangular substance measures 3.6 cm high, 4.21 cm long, and 1.17
cm wide. If the mass is 21.3g, what is this substance’s density?
E. A sample of gold (Au) has a mass of 26.15 g. Given that the theoretical density is
19.30 g/mL, what is the volume of your gold sample?
F. You are given a small piece of gold to analyze. Using the Archimedes Principle you
find that the volume is 0.40 cm3; and its mass is 6.0 g. What conclusions can you
reach from your simple density analysis?
G. How would one prepare 10 ml of a 0.25 M HCl solution if 1 M HCl was available?
How much 1 M HCl is needed? How much distilled water is used?
To help you get a feel for metric measurements, you need to know the relative magnitude of
a few basic measurements. For example: 1 mm = thickness of a dime, a penny weighs 2 ½
grams, and 20°C = normal room temperature.
H. Determine the following:
1. What is your mass or the mass of a friend, pet, or some large object in
kilograms (kg)? Don’t forget to identify the mass you are listing.
2. What weighs approximately 1 g?
3. What is approximately 1 cm long, wide or thick?
4. What weighs about 100 g?
5. What weighs about 1000 g
2 answers