b. Copy and paste at least two scriptures that relate to your topic. (Ideally, at least one scripture will be an expository passage from scripture, like a passage from the Gospels or the Epistles when someone like Jesus or Paul speaks directly to the issues in your thesis. Ideally, at least one passage will also be from a story in the Bible where you learn something about how the Bible views your topic from the way that the characters in that story interact with your topic and what happens to them as a result. In this latter case, you will ideally quote a short passage from the story but can summarize the overall plot without needing to copy and paste the whole story into your post.)

1 answer

That's your assignment, which no one here will write for you.

However, once you've written your paper and have edited and proofed it more than once or twice, you can post it here if you want some feedback.