constant velocity components
Vx = 4500/1400
Vy = 0
Vz = -3000/1400
goes for 18-9 or 9 seconds
distance = speed*time
x = 94 + 9*4500/1400
y = 0 + 0
z = 30 -9(3000/1400)
At time 9 s, a car with mass 1400 kg is lo-
cated at <94m, 0 m, 30m> and has momentum
<4500 kg · m/sec, 0 kg · m/sec,−3000 kg · m/sec> .
The car’s momentum is not changing. At time
18 s, find the position of the car:
~d = <dx, dy, dz>
1 answer