To determine the total calorie change for Natalie, we need to calculate the total number of calories burned during practice and then subtract the total number of calories consumed from her snacks.
Calories burned:
- Running laps: 158 calories
- Dribbling: 106 calories
Total calories burned = 158 + 106 = 264 calories
Calories consumed:
- Granola bar: 193 calories
- Piece of fruit: 46 calories
- Fruit juice: 41 calories
Total calories consumed = 193 + 46 + 41 = 280 calories
Total calorie change: Calorie change = Total calories burned - Total calories consumed
Calorie change = 264 - 280 = -16 calories
So, the total calorie change is -16 calories, meaning Natalie consumed 16 more calories than she burned during practice.