To determine the total calorie change for Natalie, we'll need to calculate the calories burned from running laps and dribbling, as well as the calories consumed from her post-practice snack.
Calories burned:
- Running laps: 153 calories
- Dribbling: 109 calories
Total calories burned = 153 + 109 = 262 calories
Calories consumed:
- Granola bar: 188 calories
- Fruit: 45 calories
- Fruit juice: 40 calories
Total calories consumed = 188 + 45 + 40 = 273 calories
Total calorie change: To find the total calorie change, we subtract the total calories burned from the total calories consumed:
Total calorie change = Total calories consumed - Total calories burned Total calorie change = 273 - 262 = 11 calories
So, the total calorie change for Natalie after practice is 11 calories.