To do these you need to know the rules and that will do it.
n can have any whole number from 1 --- to infinity.
l(ell) has integral values of 0 to n-1; i.e., 0,1,2,3,....n-1
msubl is -ell to +ell as min to max with inters between, including zero.
msubs can have -1/2 or +1/2 only.
n = 1
So ell can be zero only.
msubell = 0
msubs = -1/2 or =+1/2
The s orbital has ell = 0
The p orbital has ell = 1
The d orbital has ell = 2
The f orbital has ell = 3
The number of orbitals is 2*(ell)+1 which means there is only 1 s orbital; i.e.k (2*0 + 1) = 1
Likewise, there are 3 p orbitals, 5 d orbitals, 7 f orbitals
Each orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons; one will have +1/2 spin and the other -1/2 spin.
So your question about the 4d orbitals. There are 5 4d orbitals, each may have 2 electrons, so if the 4d orbitals are completely filled you may have as many as 10 electrons. Since one of those electrons in each "box" is +1/2 and the other is -1/2, you may have as many as 5 4d orbitals with ms = -1/2.
I'll leave the 4f question for you. Please follow up if you don't understand and ask specific questions. I know this can be confusing but you have ab out 3 or 4 rules; knowing those rules lets you handle any of these questions.
At most, how many 4d electrons can an atom have? Of these what is the maximum number that
can have ms= -1/2?
A 5f electron has what value of quantum number l? What values of ml may it have?
Also please explain how you got the answers so I can understand?
Thank you so much!
1 answer