I can get you started.
rate for 100 s is 237/100 = 2.37
rate for 200 s is 224/100 = 2.24
Then rate1 = 2.37 = k(A)^x=k(237)
and rate2 = 2.24 = k(A)^x = k(224)^x
solve for x.
Then plug rate and (A) into any one of the trials and solve for k.
At 500 K in the presence of a copper surface, ethanol decomposesaccording to the following equation.
C2H5OH(g) CH3CHO(g) + H2(g)
The pressure of C2H5OH was measured as afunction of time and the following data were obtained.
Time (s) PC2H5OH(torr)
0 250.
100. 237
200. 224
300. 211
400. 198
500. 185
Since the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to theconcentration of gas, we can express the rate law for a gaseousreaction in terms of partial pressures. Using the above data,deduce the rate law, the integrated rate law, and the value of therate constant, all in terms of pressure units in atm and time inseconds. Predict the pressure of C2H5OH after900. s from the start of the reaction. [Hint: To determine theorder of the reaction with respect to C2H5OH,compare how the pressure of C2H5OH decreaseswith each time listing.]
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