Your favorite cousin has moved to your town and is looking for a job. Her previous experiences are
working as a cashier and sales clerk at two department stores. You know she plans to apply at similar
stores in your town. But you also know she is a perfect match for a job opening as a reliable assistant
to your boss. You know she has the skills, though she doesn’t think she is as capable as she is, and
you’re sure she’d be good at this job.
Your goal is to persuade your cousin to apply for the job. You e-mail her a paragraph explaining the
specifics of the job and the reasons she should apply. You want to convince her that she has the job
skills required. You’ll use an informal tone, of course, but will take care to use correct business writing
to show her that you take your recommendation seriously.
1. Using your imagination, create the kind of skills the job as boss’s assistant requires. Make up
names for your boss and the company, as well as any facts that might help you prove your case
to your cousin. Freewrite about the skills you’ve seen her show in other settings and about how
you can convince her to use those abilities in this position. In addition, consider personality traits
that show she would work well with your boss. Also make up details and figures about how this
job will benefit your cousin personally and professionally.
2. Circle the information your cousin most needs to hear to be persuaded to apply for this job. You
won’t be able to use everything you made up. Organize the details and explanation using an order of importance pattern.
How does this paragraph work?
I’m so happy that you moved to this area. I wanted to let you know of an opening at my employer; Women’s Health Center, I believe you have the personality and ability to successfully perform the duties of this employer. Dr. Kim, the doctor under whom I currently work for is looking for another assistant to specifically manage his schedule and handle his emails. He asked me if I knew anyone capable of handling his busy schedule, and you instantly popped in my head, because of your great communication skills. Since this position requires a person who is delightful and sociable, I know you can handle Dr. Kim’s agitated personality with your calming voice; you will be able to ease his stress, as you keep him on task with all of his appointments as well as answer all his emails on a timely manner. Not only are you patient, but you are also resourceful, and I know that you will be able to organize his calendar without his supervision. Please consider this opportunity as it will give the general job skills that you can exercise in future opportunities but will also help maintain your financial stability for you and the family. Look forward to hearing from you soon.
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