Assignment locate 3 topics (DONE) how are the ten principals of economics relevant to each case. How do you determine which one? What questions to ask self to determine the answer? Where to look outside the examples shown in class?I did read the lesson they offer examples not a help to me
6 answers
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Here is the assignment Principles of Economics
Principles of Economics.
•Find three current articles aboue the economy I have those Post a 200- to 300-word response identifying one unique principle for each article.
the economy that have been in
the news lately. For each story, identify one
(or more) of the Ten Principles of Economics
discussed in this chapter that is relevant, and
explain how it is relevant. The 10 principle of economics by Makiw these I know
Principles of Economics.
•Find three current articles aboue the economy I have those Post a 200- to 300-word response identifying one unique principle for each article.
the economy that have been in
the news lately. For each story, identify one
(or more) of the Ten Principles of Economics
discussed in this chapter that is relevant, and
explain how it is relevant. The 10 principle of economics by Makiw these I know
Mary: To find articles, do this.
Go to Google search, click on news at the top. Then you will have a search news box.
I suggest you search on
trade deficit
dollar collapse
oil prices
that ought to give you plenty of news to ponder for your economic assignment.
Go to Google search, click on news at the top. Then you will have a search news box.
I suggest you search on
trade deficit
dollar collapse
oil prices
that ought to give you plenty of news to ponder for your economic assignment.
Did you mean 10 principles of economics by Mankiw?
Hint: Virtually every economic current- events article can relate to trade-offs and opportunity costs; two of Mankiw's principals. I suggest you start there.
Hint: Virtually every economic current- events article can relate to trade-offs and opportunity costs; two of Mankiw's principals. I suggest you start there.
I have to use economicist to get the information
yes it is Mankiw. wish i could use google but information has to come from economicst and recent american economics