Assignment Detail

MGT240-1003A-01 Business Management and Leadership
Assignment Name: Unit 3 Individual Project
Deliverable Length: 2-3 pages

Turning a failing organization around is one of the most interesting activities in management. When organizations see themselves in that downward spiral, their managers may feel that they are unable to stop the pace of negative change. That worry and that downward momentum can be very powerful. At the same time, it sometimes takes only a key impetus to deflect that movement and turn things around.

You have recently been hired as a new manager hired into a failing division in a company. The product line is outdated and losing market share, inter-departmental communication is adversarial, and competition for corporate funding is fierce. How are you, a new individual, going to turn things around? As your first job as the new manager at the outdated, adversarial company, write a plan for changing its organizational structure, incorporating the following elements:

1. Explain how you would address each of the three main problems in the organization: 1) outdated product lines, 2) adversarial communication, and 3) competition for internal resources. Thinking about organizational structures reviewed in the text, which one (or ones) do you think would be most suited to this organization and why.
2. What steps would you suggest to manage the transition from the old organizational structure to the new?
3. How would you assess the external environment and integrate this into the turn-around plan? Student must support their work with outside reliable sources.

Remember to use the Library or other Web resources to support your argument. Be sure to cite your sources using the correct standard of APA.

Your report MUST include a reference list. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. Discussion Board essays and Individual Projects without references and citations may not earn any higher grade than a 'C' letter grade. Your report should contain a short introduction, and conclusion in addition to the body of the paper. Please note that if you have a source in your reference section, you need to cite it in the body of the paper per APA guidelines and vice-versa.

Please submit your assignment.

Objective: In completing the Unit 3 IP, students demonstrate mastery of the course outcomes specified below. The relative weight of each outcome is also listed.

* Describe the techniques of managing change (50%)
* Explain the concept of an organization and how it is changed (50%)

Points Possible: 125
Date Due: Sunday, Jun 27, 2010
# Objective: Describe the techniques of managing change.
# Explain the concept of an organization and how it is changed.
Submitted Files: Submit Assignment
Score: N/A
Instructor Comments:
Hello Everyone,

Here are your instructions and tips on this week's assignment. To help your grade, you need to make sure you answer the questions in light of the information relevant to this case - in particular the points highlighted in BLUE FONT below.

Turning a failing organization around is one of the most interesting activities in management. When organizations see themselves in that downward spiral, their managers may feel that they are unable to stop the pace of negative change. That worry and that downward momentum can be very powerful. At the same time, it sometimes takes only a key impetus to deflect that movement and turn things around.

You have recently been hired as a new manager hired into a failing division in a company. The product line is outdated and losing market share, inter-departmental communication is adversarial, and competition for corporate funding is fierce. How are you, a new individual, going to turn things around? As your first job as the new manager at the outdated, adversarial company, write a plan for changing its organizational structure, incorporating the following elements:

Please copy and paste the following questions with your responses into the body of your APA formatted paper:


1. Explain how you would address each of the three main problems in the organization: 1) outdated product lines, 2) adversarial communication, and 3) competition for internal resources(Hint: For #3, this includes, but may not be limited to, corporate funding).

(Response to Question 1 goes here - make sure you include your reasons)

2. Thinking about organizational structures reviewed in the text, which one (or ones) do you think would be most suited to this organization and why. (Hint: Don't confuse Organizational Design with Organizational Structure)

(Response to Question 2 goes here - make sure you include your reasons)

3. What steps would you suggest to manage the transition from the old organizational structure to the new?
(Response to Question 3 goes here - make sure you include your reasons)

4. How would you assess the external environment and integrate this into the turn-around plan? Student must support their work with outside reliable sources. (Hint: External Environmental factors were discussed in the Unit 1 assigned reading)

(Response to Question 4 goes here - make sure you include your reasons)



Remember to use the Library or other Web resources to support your argument. Be sure to cite your sources using the correct standard of APA.

Your report MUST include a reference list. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. Discussion Board essays and Individual Projects without references and citations may not earn any higher grade than a 'C' letter grade. Your report should contain a short introduction, and conclusion in addition to the body of the paper. Please note that if you have a source in your reference section, you need to cite it in the body of the paper per APA guidelines and vice-versa.

Please submit your assignment.

Please email me with any questions.


1 answer

Please note that we don't do students' homework for them. Be sure to go back into your textbook or use a good search engine.

Once YOU have come up with attempted answers to YOUR questions, please re-post and let us know what you think. Then someone here will be happy to comment on your thinking.